pull a fast one

pull a fast one

Новый англо-русский словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "pull a fast one" в других словарях:

  • pull a fast one — {v. phr.} To gain the advantage over one s opponent unfairly; deceive; trick. * /When Smith was told by his boss that he might be fired, he called the company president, his father in law, and pulled a fast one by having his boss demoted./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • pull a fast one — {v. phr.} To gain the advantage over one s opponent unfairly; deceive; trick. * /When Smith was told by his boss that he might be fired, he called the company president, his father in law, and pulled a fast one by having his boss demoted./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • pull a fast one on — pull a fast one (on (someone)) to deceive or trick someone. Most people would never suspect that you d even think of pulling a fast one on them …   New idioms dictionary

  • pull a fast one — (on (someone)) to deceive or trick someone. Most people would never suspect that you d even think of pulling a fast one on them …   New idioms dictionary

  • pull a fast one — ► pull a fast one informal try to gain an unfair advantage. Main Entry: ↑fast …   English terms dictionary

  • pull a fast one — phrasal : to deceive by a crafty and usually dishonest trick tried to pull a fast one and got caught * * * pull a fast one ● fast * * * pull a fast one informal phrase to trick someone Thesaurus: to cheat or trick someone …   Useful english dictionary

  • pull a fast one — tv. to outwit or outsmart someone by a clever and timely maneuver. □ Don’t try to pull a fast one on me. □ So you think you can pull a fast one? …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • pull a fast one —    To pull a fast one means to gain an advantage over someone by deceiving them.     The street vendor pulled a fast one on Tom. He sold him a big bunch of roses but wrapped a smaller bunch while Tom was taking out his wallet …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • pull a fast one on — verb deceive somebody We tricked the teacher into thinking that class would be cancelled next week • Syn: ↑flim flam, ↑play a joke on, ↑play tricks, ↑trick, ↑fob, ↑fox, ↑play a trick on …   Useful english dictionary

  • pull a fast one on someone — pull a fast one (on (someone)) to deceive or trick someone. Most people would never suspect that you d even think of pulling a fast one on them …   New idioms dictionary

  • pull a fast one (on somebody) — pull a ˈfast one (on sb) idiom (slang) to trick sb Main entry: ↑pullidiom …   Useful english dictionary

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